As of right now, we have ARCycled 167 books in 3 months exactly with 23 reviews (and hopefully lots more to come!) that would not have existed otherwise! YAY! And with 154 shiny blog followers and 195 Twitter followers, we are shiny shiny shiny!! *thumbs up*
Now, as much as I hate saying this, we are going to have a teeny, weeny rule addition. This doesn't apply to 97% of people, but for that wee 3%, yeah, YOU. We're applying the 'black jack, no trade back' rule. Because as soon as you request a book, we go to The List and delete it. And if you come back all 'HAHA! JK!!!' then we have to go back and add it... and going back and re-adding is kinda like trying to cross a raging river. Or crossing this scenario without getting wounded...

Like, haha, yeah, good luck with that!
Why is this hard? Ever had a moment where a title escapes you? Or an author? Yeah, that but with 939047209527 emails coming in and OMG THE PRESSURE! The release date, notes and blog it's from? Forget about it.
Here's the thing, being denied a book and requesting again - totally legit and okay.
Trying to switch out? Not as okay.
Does poop happen and you confuse books - sure! To err is human. All I'm asking is that you try to be sure of what you're requesting before you send the email. And I know, it's hard because time is totally of the essence in this game.
And then as the brilliant Christina from The Book Hookup pointed out, if we allow one trade out, then EVERYONE will trade out and we ARCycling folks will descend into utter madness. No, really.
Along this line, I must restate the ONE EMAIL rule. I know that when you mess up, you panic and are like 'OMG. THEY MUST NOT SEE MY EMAIL, SO I MUST SEND ANOTHER'. I can tell you ladies, gents, this is not the case. The ARCycling inbox is POURED over. Both during the session and for hours afterwards. We see it ALL. Do some emails get missed at times? Sure. Again, to err is human. But especially during the session, it is highly unlikely. And I can certainly say that sending one email is a lot more efficient for both you and me than sending two. Two (or more) gets confusing, so stick with (at the very least) one email chain. Email chains are why Gmail is king, guys. Seriously. I love Gmail for that. Otherwise - BURIED ALIVE.
And now to end on a lighter note, I will be back on the sessions solely for the next few weeks as Lili convinces herself she didn't make the biggest mistake ever by deciding to help me! So starting Monday, I will be back on the email, Twitter, etc.
However, Tuesday I will be nearly incommunicado. For Tuesday, October 2nd, is PERCY JACKSON DAY. I've been waiting for this book date for a year and my only book boyfriend and I will be busy. But other than my ridiculous Percy Jackson love, yes. All me, guys.