Gaby is a Magical Unicorn who mostly spends most of her time in bookstores/reading and the rest of her time messing around on the internet. Once upon a time she just "helped out" with ARCycling but, post-ARCycling hiatus, Gaby took on the mantel of Show Runner. So. Now Gaby runs the show.
If you're not getting enough Gaby for your book, you can find her on Twitter on either one of her Twitter accounts: @GabySalpeter // @BookishBroads or on her blog, Bookish Broads for more general silliness and further trouble making. She'll likely reward you with virtual hugs and cookies.
Because that's how Magical Unicorns roll.
You can reach her at: ARCycling@gmail.com and Twitter: @ARCycling.
Past ARCycling creators/mafiosos/helpers include:
Jennifer (@JustlyJennifer // Novel Thoughts)
Lili (@LiliReflects // Lili’s Reflections)