Did you miss ARCycling? Did you? DID YOU?
(I'm assuming you all just shouted YESYESYES!)

- This time around, JUST GABY is running the show. So be patient with me, dear ones.
- Instead of doing ARCycling once a week, I'll be running it ONCE A MONTH, usually the FIRST Sunday of the month BUT this is subject to change based on Gaby's schedule.
- This month, however, ARCycling will be taking place on the SECOND Sunday of the month. This is because today is the 1st and Sunday is the 5th and I don't think that's enough time for the amount of donations I think you'll all provide if given the chance.
- There will be NO time outs or mandatory reviews. If you request two books one month, you can request two books the next month. If you write reviews, don't write reviews, whatever, I don't care. I'm just one person and I don't have time to keep up with all the things, so run, my pretties, run and have books and fun.
- ARCycling is still only for US/Canada. Not all books will be available for Canadians. Those books will still be noted in BLUE on THE LIST.
- Everything else pretty much runs the same. Check the pages for the specifics, donate some books and be back her on Sunday, October 12th, 2014 for our first session post-hiatus! The exact time of the session will be posted on Twitter the day of, so go follow that Twitter and keep yourself up to date!
Now that you have all the basics, you should go read up on the rules, found in the "What's Going On Here?" tab. Then you should go to the ARC Donation Form tab and DONATE THOSE ARCS. Because we can't have a session without ARCs. And since I'm giving everyone an extra week to get their donating acts together, I expect things from you. (No, I don't really, but please? kthnxbai)
That's it. If you have any question, shoot them at me on Twitter or send me an email at arcycling@gmail.com!