This does NOT count towards Two Week Time Out. Basically So, if you were to get off this week, you get off next week. If you were to get off next week, you actually get off the week after. Wherever you currently are in your time outs, push it back a week. All donations will be held to next week.
Sorry again!

Now to explain why, Jennifer is working (dull) and Lili, well, Lili is moving in for her freshman year of college!! So while she hasn't abandoned us (yet) for the wild college life, let's start her off in the only way ARCycling knows how to do. Gifs.
Gifs. Always.
So as someone who's been there, done that, here we go.
First, Lili's gonna be all:

Then she's going to realize college is different than high school:

Especially when she sees those textbook prices:

Then inevitably, this happens to just everything:

Then finals come... oh yes...:

But the most important thing, is to have a party:

And make friends:

And learn some stuff:

And, finally have a blast in Manhattan:

Stay tuned for any planned service changes to ARCycling in the coming weeks as we adjust to have a college student in our midst.